California Observed Peak Conditions
Days Surrounding Selected Detail Date Of September 5, 2024
This graph shows how electricity generation met demand in the days surrounding the detail date, September 05, 2024. Dispatchable generation (shown in red) provides baseload power, as well as "peaking" to meet changes in demand. Renewable generation (shown in blue for hydroelectric, green for wind, and yellow for solar) fluctuates with time of day. In some regions, imports (shown in grey) make up for deficits in local generation.
California Major Generation Plants by Capacity
More info: Click on Plant Circles
This map shows generation resources For California. Generation plants may be located outside the region's boundaries when utilities have ownership shares and transmission lines are available.
Dispatchable Resources
This table shows modeled “dispatchable” capacity for California. Dispatchable plants can generate electricity according to grid operators' commands (or “dispatch”). Most dispatchable plants use heat to generate electricity, such as plants that burn fossil fuels. In our modeling methodology, the Expected Capacity for dispatchable resources is constant over all hours of the 365-day modeling period. We estimate 40,709.1 MW of total Expected Capacity for California.
Historical experience is indicated by Capacity Factors and Availability Factors. Capacity Factors are calculated by dividing observed generation in the indicated year by Installed Capacity. Capacity Factors are not used to model Expected Capacity but are presented only as reference values. Availability Factors are based on historical data for scheduled outages and mechanical breakdowns; these factors are used to compute Expected Capacity. For example, in California, the largest dispatchable resource is Natural Gas, with 41,011 MW of Installed Capacity. Because this resource is not always dispatched by grid operators (or available for dispatch), the Capacity Factor is 25.2%. The Availability Factor is 80%—multiplying this factor by the Installed Capacity we get the Expected Capacity of 32,808.8 MW for Natural Gas plants.
For modeling purposes, users can add or subtract Installed Capacity to account for new generation plants or the retirement of existing plants. Likewise, Availability Factors can be changed to reflect experience within the Region. Changes to Installed Capacity and Availability Factors are reflected in the Expected Capacity column.
Dispatchable Resources in California — 2023
Resource | Installed Capacity (MW) | Change Capacity (+/-) | Capacity Factor | Availability Factor | Expected Capacity (MW) |
Biomass/Wood | 928 |
| 11.4% |
| 742.4 |
Coal | 1,703 |
| 31.1% |
| 1,396.5 |
Geothermal | 2,942 |
| 27.7% |
| 2,647.8 |
Natural Gas | 41,011 |
| 25.2% |
| 32,808.8 |
Nuclear | 2,323 |
| 87.0% |
| 2,160.4 |
Other | 98 |
| 28.3% |
| 79.4 |
Other Fossil Fuels | 260 |
| 60.4% |
| 210.6 |
Petroleum | 479 |
| 1.7% |
| 388.0 |
Pseudo-Tied Capacity | 0 |
| 0.0% |
| 0.0 |
Waste | 344 |
| 26.8% |
| 275.2 |
Total | 50,088 | 0 | | | 40,709.1 |
Solar Resources  
This candlestick graph shows modeled solar capacity in California over the hours of an average day in the selected month. Solar generation contains two highly predictable components—season and time of day—and a cloud cover component that varies within a statistical range.
The black line shows Installed Capacity for solar resources. The yellow bars show historical solar generation plus and minus one standard deviation. The narrow yellow sticks show maximum and minimum observed values. We model Expected Capacity for solar based on the mean of hourly observations for each month and hour of the day, resulting in a “50/50” expectation of capacity—i.e., the expectation will be above the actually available capacity half of the time and below capacity half of the time. Expected Capacity, the red line, is usually less than Installed Capacity because of nighttime periods and lower sunlight during some seasons and hours. Changing the month selection will show different Expected Capacities based on historical observations for that month.
For modeling purposes, users can add or subtract Installed Capacity for solar resources. The New Expected Capacity for each hour of the day is shown by the green line. Adding or subtracting Installed Capacity changes Expected Capacity proportionally based on the time of day. New Installed Capacity is shown by the brown line.
Installed Capacity: 21,552 MW
Generation Profile Source Region: California
Generation Profile: Modeled generation trends for intermittent energy are based on observed generation in the Generation Profile Source Region, which may be different than the chosen Analysis Region if that data is not available.
Change Capacity (+/-):
Hydroelectric Resources
This candlestick graph shows modeled hydroelectric capacity in California. Hydroelectric generation depends on water in rivers and reservoirs which in turn depends on rainfall or, in some areas, the melting of snowpacks. As a result, hydroelectric capacity partially depends on the season (or month) of the year.
The black line shows Installed Capacity for hydroelectric resources. The blue bars show historical hydroelectric generation plus and minus one standard deviation. The narrow blue sticks show maximum and minimum observed values. We model Expected Capacity based on the maximum observation for each month. Expected Capacity, the red line, is usually less than Installed Capacity because of lower river flows and reservoir levels in some seasons. When dam operators order the turbine gates to open fully, the maximum generation capacity is limited by seasonal conditions .
For modeling purposes, users can add or subtract Installed Capacity for hydroelectric resources. The New Expected Capacity for each month is shown by the green line. Adding or subtracting Installed Capacity changes Expected Capacity proportionally based on the month. New Installed Capacity is shown by the brown line.
Installed Capacity: 13,600 MW
Generation Profile Source Region: California
Generation Profile: Modeled generation trends for intermittent energy are based on observed generation in the Generation Profile Source Region, which may be different than the chosen Analysis Region if that data is not available.
Change Capacity (+/-):
Wind Resources — Onshore Wind
This candlestick graph shows modeled wind capacity in California. In most geographies, wind generation is correlated to the season of the year. In coastal regions, wind generation can also correlate with the time of day, but we do not model this effect because most wind generation in the U.S. is in inland areas.
The black line shows Installed Capacity for wind resources. The green bars show historical wind generation plus and minus one standard deviation. The narrow green sticks show maximum and minimum observed values. We model Expected Capacity for wind based on the mean of hourly observations for each month, resulting in a “50/50” expectation of capacity—i.e., the expectation will be above the actually available capacity half of the time and below capacity half of the time. Expected Capacity, the red line, is usually less than Installed Capacity because wind conditions are inconsistent and unreliable.
For modeling purposes, users can add or subtract Installed Capacity for wind resources. The New Expected Capacity for each month is shown by the green line. Adding or subtracting Installed Capacity changes Expected Capacity proportionally based on the month. New Installed Capacity is shown by the brown line.
Installed Capacity: 6,655 MW
Generation Profile Source Region: California
Generation Profile: Modeled generation trends for intermittent energy are based on observed generation in the Generation Profile Source Region, which may be different than the chosen Analysis Region if that data is not available.
Change Capacity (+/-):
Wind Resources — Offshore Wind
These two graphs display modeled offshore wind capacity for California during the month of September. Due to stronger and more consistent wind offshore, turbines in coastal waters provide often power with higher reliability and efficiency than turbines on land. GridClue models offshore wind capacity for every month and hour of the year.
The top graph shows September wind speeds in coastal waters near California as published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The lower graph estimates megawatts of capacity over the hours of the day for the selected month. Because wind power generated varies with the cube of the wind speed, the 24-hour variation for megawatt capacities in the lower graph is more extreme than wind speeds displayed in the upper graph.
Users can adjust the default scenario for capacity, wind speed, and capacity factor using the controls below. The Wind Profile control populates the modeling value for Average Wind Speed. To aid in determining New Capacity and other modeling values, the Department of Energy has a list of current and planned wind projects that can be accessed at this link: Offshore Wind Market Report. The DOE project list is a good starting point for modeling capacity additions for offshore wind power. NREL publishes an average capacity factor for offshore wind.
Select an Offshore Wind Project from the drop down list or enter a custom scenario. Click 'Reset Defaults' to select the default wind speed and capacity values.
Battery Resources
This bar graph shows modeled battery storage in California. Default modeling assumptions include charge and discharge cycles of four hours each and a “round-trip efficiency” of 80%. To optimize solar resources, default charging is at midday. Default discharging is modeled at the evening load peak.
The controls on the left show modeling assumptions. Modeled megawatts of electricity demand consumed by charging—and capacity available by discharging—are shown by the negative and positive bars, respectively. Usable energy stored is determined by megawatt capacity multiplied by charging hours; this result is discounted by the round-trip efficiency before being displayed. Megawatt demand from charging—and capacity from discharging—are reflected in “Expected Capacity” at the Summary of Modeling Results at the bottom of this page.
Imported Power 
This candlestick graph shows modeled import capacity for California over the hours of the days in the selected month. Interchange depends on transmission capacity between regions, contractual agreements to transfer power, and emergency transfers to avoid blackouts.
The gray bars show historical net interchange plus and minus one standard deviation. Net exports are displayed as negative imports. The narrow grey sticks show maximum and minimum observed values.
Expected Capacity of imports is the red line. When Expected Capacity is negative, this signifies exports. We model imports and exports based on the average observation for each month and hour of the day. Changing the month selection will show different Expected Capacities based on historical observations for that month.
GridClue conservatively uses the average import/export value for modeling because extreme weather events often extend beyond a single region. During times of grid stress, imports and exports persist because of pre-existing commitments that are typically kept even if load sheds will result for the exporter. For emergency planning, GridClue does not allow double-counting of generation reserves supplied through imports.
GridClue modeling does not allow users to add imports. However, generation capacity outside of the modeled area with firm transmission can be added as dispatchable capacity, "Pseudo-Tied Capacity." A decade or more can be required to construct new transmission lines to support imports. Also, adding imports implicitly assumes that additional dispatchable generation would be available in other regions. Within the GridClue modeling paradigm, adding generation capacity within a region but not increasing imports prevents arbitrary double-counting of import capacity among modeled regions.
Demand From Electric Vehicles
This graph shows estimated demand from electric vehicles in California. Three demand profiles are available for modeling—Home Charging, Work/Public Charging, and Universal Charging. With Home Charging, demand peaks in the evening hours. Work/Public Charging demand peaks in the midday. Universal Charging is a mathematical combination of these profiles.
Components of Demand Day
This graph shows demand components for the selected Detail Date. The starting point and largest demand component is Base Case Demand determined by the selected Demand Profile. Other components include:
- Contingency Reserves to protect against loss of generation plants or transmission lines
- Operating Reserves to ensure electric grid stability
- Constant Demand Change from added AI data centers and other 24/7 loads
- Proportional Demand Change from electrification and population growth, less conservation
- Electric vehicle charging for households
- Demand Response programs (shown as a negative value on the graph)
Adoption changes from the Demand Projections table above are reflected in the magnitude of the graph components.
Hourly Resources and Demand
Detail Date: |
All Figures in Megawatts (MW)
Hour: |
Resource | Observed Supply at Modeled Peak Hour | Observed Supply at Modeled Critical Hour | Expected Capacity at Modeled Peak Hour | Expected Capacity at Modeled Critical Hour |
Dispatchables | 31,695.4 | 31,704.4 | 40,709.1 | 40,709.1 |
Solar Resources | 9,960.0 | 14,721.0 | 1,555.4 | 7,472.1 |
Hydro Resources | 6,637.0 | 5,594.0 | 7,739.0 | 7,739.0 |
Onshore Wind Resources | 1,633.0 | 1,183.0 | 1,899.7 | 1,899.7 |
Offshore Wind Resources | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Modeled Batteries | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6,182.8 | 0.0 |
Imported Power | 6,469.0 | 5,492.0 | 4,994.0 | 3,991.0 |
Total Resources | 56,394.4 | 58,694.4 | 63,080.0 | 61,810.9 |
Demand Component | Observed Demand at Modeled Peak Hour | Observed Demand at Modeled Critical Hour | Expected Demand at Modeled Peak Hour | Expected Demand at Modeled Critical Hour |
Base Case Demand | 58,867.0 | 58,843.0 | 58,867.0 | 58,843.0 |
Electric Vehicle Charging | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Demand Response | 0.0 | 0.0 | -1,167.0 | -1,167.0 |
Heat Pumps | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Proportional Demand Change | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
AI Data Centers and Other Constant Demand | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Operating Reserves | 3,462.0 | 3,460.6 | 3,462.0 | 3,460.6 |
Contingency Reserves | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Demand | n/a | n/a | 61,162.0 | 61,136.6 |
Surplus/Deficit | n/a | n/a | 1,918.0 | 674.3 |
This table displays observed supply and demand within California for the selected Detail Date. Observed Supply is displayed at the peak demand hour ("Peak Hour") and also the "Critical Hour." We define the Critical Hour as the hour in the day when total resources less total demand is at its lowest value. Note that because of intermittent renewable generation and imports that vary with the time of day, the Peak Hour may not coincide with the Critical Hour. This table also displays Expected Capacity at the Peak Hour and Critical Hour. Expected Capacity can exceed Total Demand, resulting in a Surplus. Alternatively, during times of system stress, Total Demand can exceed Expected Capacity, resulting in Deficit.
Summary of Modeling Results
This calendar chart shows the balance of Projected Demand (including reserves) with Expected Capacity for each hour of a hypothetical 365-day period. The calendar chart squares are color-coded by the modeled electricity adequacy on each day—green indicates days with a surplus of Expected Capacity in all hours, while red indicates days with a deficit of Expected Capacity of at least one hour. The deficits (and minimum surpluses) are calculated on an hourly basis, but we present only the most extreme hour for each day in the popups for the calendar chart.
Modeled Electricity Adequacy for California
Daily Minimum Surplus/Maximum Deficit in Megawatts (MW)
For the Modeled Scenario in California, expected generation capacity and imports minus demand (also subtracting necessary reserves) is estimated to be 674 Megawatts, 1.1% above demand, at the critical hour of 5 PM PST on September 5. For all of the 365-day Demand Profile, the estimate is 0 Loss of Load Hours (LOLH) over 0 days and 0 megawatt-hours of Expected Unserved Energy (EUE).
Impacts on Ratepayers in California
Base-Case |
Modeled |
Loss of Load Hours |
0 Hrs |
0 Hrs |
Expected Unserved Energy |
0.0 MWh |
0.0 MWh |
Most Critical Hour |
Sep 5 5PM PST |
Sep 5 5PM PST |
Critical Hour Surplus/Deficit |
674.3 MW (1.1% above demand) |
674.3 MW (1.1% above demand) |
Hourly Chart:
This graph shows Projected Demand (including operating And contingency reserves) versus Expected Capacity For Each hour Of a hypothetical 365-day period based On the Demand Profile selected And other modeling assumptions. Under our paradigm, Projected Demand includes the negative quantity Of Demand Response. For most hours And In most regions, Projected Demand will be less than Expected Capacity. However, weather conditions For some periods And other grid stress may cause Projected Demand To exceed Expected Capacity.
To select a time period for detailed inspection, press the left mouse button, drag over the period of interest, and release the button. Press right button to reset.
Data compiled using information from EIA Form 860, Form 861, Form 923, the EIA API, EPA Pollution Data, and the Census Bureau
Electric charging estimates are derived from Resilient Societies analysis, and this Stanford study on EV charging.
Air source heat pump estimates are derived from Resilient Societies analysis and real-world data collection.